Thursday, October 25, 2007

Religious Talks

I had an encounter with the Parson today. He is a very kind and cheeky fellow. I was in the midst of telling my fierce battles on the Mediterranean Sea, when he approached me. He just wanted to ask me a few questions. I liked his character so I figured I would walk with him. He was a very spiritual man. He talked of help if I ever needed it. He also spoke of the hundreds of people that he helps every month! I found it touching that no matter what, he always finds time in his schedule to help other people. I felt very close to him after our talk. I think I will introduce him to my son tomorrow. He needs a little bit of guidance right now considering I haven't been the best father figure. I'm always out on business (battles and so on...) and we never have time to spend together. I figured maybe when we stop tomorrow to rest, the boy and me can go skip some rocks off the old watering hole! Ripping good fun!

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