Friday, October 26, 2007

The Battle

I have decided that today is my alone time. Right now everyone is getting ready for nightfall, but i have decided to exclude myself from the group. Its not that I'm annoyed with anybody, I just want to be alone. When I woke up this morning I decided to take a nice walk with my son. He said he wanted to sleep some more so I let him lay. I brought my sword with me, as I do every time, and headed into the woods. It was very peaceful. The trees were as tall as the mountains that I encountered on my journey to the Mediterranean. Then, out of nowhere, there came a beastly creature from behind one of the tallest trees. It looked to be a bear of some sort, but it was much larger than any of the ones I have seen before. It charged at me with a mighty roar! I dove at the last moment before thrashing his teeth at me. As he flew past my side, I drew my sword and jabbed it into his side! The beast groaned with agony and collapsed. I decided to drag the lifeless lump back to the group to boast about it. They were all very amazed at my accomplishment! I figured it was best to bury the animal. That would be the most honorable thing to do. We laid him by the tree where he emerged. I think that was the best for him.Who knows what sorts of adventures tomorrow may bring!

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