Monday, October 29, 2007

The Summoner's Stench

On the battlefield I’ve met some pretty smelly people throughout my days, but none of them even come close to how bad the Summoner reeks. He has an awful stench of garlic coming from his hair and clothes that is almost completely unbearable. The hideous carbuncles on his face were enough to for me to lose my appetite, and I’ve yet to find it considering I can’t get his image out of my head. He’s rather scarier than the other pilgrims and I would not trust him with my life. We had only a short conversation because I couldn’t bear to be around him for more than a half hour. He told me of his job of summoning people to appear in church court, hence his title, “The Summoner.” He also talked up his money a lot and his extreme desire for making more of it. I think I’ll be trying to avoid crossing paths with this strange man again and hopefully my lunch will be more enjoyable next time.

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