Thursday, November 1, 2007

Ratting Out The Reeve..

Today I noticed the Reeve getting angry with some of the other pilgrims. He is very old, skinny, and obviously bad-tempered. His legs were like little twigs beside his horse’s saddle. Some of the others sort of find him intimidating because he’s entirely too proper in his body language and appearance. He was getting frustrated with the Nun’s horse not walking straightforward consistently. A little bit later, I overheard the Reeve talking to the Miller about money, of course. It’s hard to not listen in on some of these interesting conversations considering that it is such a long journey. I accidentally heard something that probably wasn’t meant for my ears to hear. However, I feel safe letting out my secrets on here. The Reeve is secretly very rich. Hmm..I wonder what else these people are hiding…

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