Friday, November 2, 2007

The End!

After a long, hard journey….WE FINALLY MADE IT!!!!!!! We’re all so glad to actually be here and the shrine is absolutely beautiful! Everyone’s bad moods have gone away mainly because we finally get to rest from riding our horses. The cathedral where the shrine is located is stunning. So much architecture and design was put into it. Just seeing it is breathtaking. All of the pilgrims acted very respectful towards the shrine of the honored and famous Thomas Becket that was murdered there. We all paid our respects and discussed among each other this remarkable religious journey that we’ve all accomplished. Well I better rap this up because we will be heading back to the Tabard Inn soon. Oh how I’m not looking forward to this long ride home with these people..I’ve enjoyed expressing my feelings about this journey and the shrine. However, I must be on my way. Until next time… xoxo The Knight

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